Case Study: Wedgewood Hotel & Spa - Email Marketing

Wedgewood Hotel & Spa would like to grow its digital marketing efforts by maximizing the potential of its email marketing strategy. By partnering with our team, they implemented a comprehensive plan focusing on list segmentation, content, and automation. This collaboration resulted in an impressive increase in reservations and revenue, demonstrating the power of effective email marketing.
Project Type
Email Campaigns

The Client

Wedgewood Hotel & Spa, a prestigious luxury hotel located in the heart of Vancouver, Canada, is known for its exquisite service and world-class amenities. Despite its reputation and loyal customer base, Wedgewood struggled with optimizing its email marketing strategy to translate customer engagement into tangible bookings and revenue.

The Task

Through constant feedback, Wedgewood Hotel & Spa was informed that their newsletter format was outdated.

  • Content: Develop and curate engaging and relevant material for the target audience.
  • Design: Create visually appealing and effective graphics and layouts to enhance the campaign's message, ensuring they are fully responsive across all devices.
  • Campaign Schedule: Plan and organize all activities and timelines for a successful campaign.

The Solution

To address these challenges, we implemented a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Comprehensive Strategy Review: We conducted an in-depth review of Wedgewood's existing email marketing strategy to identify areas for improvement.
  2. List Segmentation: We implemented advanced list segmentation techniques to divide their customer base into targeted segments based on demographics, past behaviors, and preferences. This allowed for more relevant and engaging messaging.
  3. Automation: We automated key aspects of their email marketing, including welcome emails, follow-up communications, and special promotions. This not only saved time but also ensured consistent and timely engagement with customers.
  4. Advanced Analytics: We integrated a new email marketing platform that provided robust analytics capabilities. This allowed Wedgewood to track open and click-through rates, conversion metrics, and overall campaign performance with greater accuracy.


The implementation of our tailored email marketing plan yielded significant results for Wedgewood Hotel & Spa:

  • Increased Reservations: On average, each email campaign generated between 7 to 12 reservations, significantly boosting their booking rates.
  • Revenue Growth: The improved email strategy led to over $100,000 in additional revenue from hotel room bookings attributed directly to email marketing efforts.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Personalized and segmented emails resulted in higher open and click-through rates, leading to increased customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automation streamlined the email marketing process, reducing manual effort and errors, while allowing the marketing team to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Advanced analytics provided valuable insights into campaign performance, enabling Wedgewood to continuously refine and optimize their email marketing strategy.


The collaboration between Wedgewood Hotel & Spa and our team highlights the remarkable impact of a well-crafted email marketing strategy. By tackling critical challenges and applying targeted solutions, Wedgewood saw significant increases in bookings and revenue, demonstrating the success of our methods.

Looking ahead, Wedgewood Hotel & Spa can continue to leverage these strategies to maintain and enhance customer engagement, drive bookings, and achieve sustainable growth.

Ready to transform your email marketing strategy and achieve similar results? Book a call with our experts today and discover how we can help your business thrive.

Wedgewood Hotel & Spa

Wedgewood Hotel & Spa

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